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(Hebrew ישראל) This important word hides a great variety of meanings (such as I-SaRah-El). Primarily:

  1. IS [יש] reminds us of Isis and the Isiac Mysteries. Certainly, Isis is the Divine Princess (Sarah) Kundalini. She is the light or fire (יש Ish in Hebrew) of the middle י Iod of the letter ש Shin, which rises up through the spinal medulla (Sushumna) thanks to the other Iods (Ob and Odb, Yin and Yang, Ida and Pingala, Eve and Adam, Sa and Ra) of the letter ש “Shin,” which from Yesod (Iod- sex) entwine along the spinal medulla to the brain.

  2. RA [רא] reminds us of the Solar Logos, the letter ר Reish, the Head of the Universe, Kether. Let us remember the disk of RA found in ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs.

  3. EL (אל Aleph, Lamed) is Hebrew for “God,” the inner, profound God within each one of us.

In sequence and correct etymological corollary, when the scriptures refer to the "people of Israel," this is a reference to the various parts of the inner Being. All of the multiple Self-cognizant and independent parts of our own individual Being constitute the people of Israel. Until we reach the complete liberation of our inner Being from the ego, we are trapped in slavery in Matzarim (Egypt).